
Nemrég meglátogattuk a zengővárkonyi Szalma-Kincs-Tár szalmagyűjteményét Szilviéknél, ahol meg lehet csodálni a különféle szalmahímzéseket, -ékszereket, -lámpákat, a japán rizsszalma esőkabátot, a világ minden részéről gyűjtött kalapokat... És mivel jelenleg a viseletek, a népi nyersanyagok, motívumok és a kiberkultúra összefűzéseit keresgélem, nagyon belelkesültem a lehetőségeket illetően, és készítettem is egy sorozatot, a tapasztalatokból merítkezve.

Kezdjünk rögtön a hajviseleteknél és ékszereknél:

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Invisible mannequin in flower wheat ear, with intricate straw ornamental patterns, some bronze twist, profile view, (cybernetic:0.1).

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Jewelry made up from straw, head with long braided hair.

A következő képeken különféle sűrűségű szalmafonatból készített ruhák láthatók:

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Long braided wire hair, braided straw dress, bare foot, product photography, full body invisible mannequin.

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Jewelry made up from straw, head with long braided hair, braided straw dress, bare foot, product photography, full body invisible mannequin, front view, ornamentical patterned dress made from twisted braided straw.

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Jewelry made up from straw, head with long braided hair, braided straw dress, twisted wire, sneakers, product photography, full body invisible mannequin, bronze gardening tools, ornamentical patterned dress made from twisted braided straw, skin made up from black straw.

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Jewelry made up from straw, head with long braided hair, braided straw dress, twisted wire, product photography, hybrid of an angel and a full body invisible mannequin, ornamentical patterned dress made from twisted braided straw.

enter image description here Rézangyalka – jewelry made up from straw, head with long braided hair, braided straw dress, twisted wire, sneakers, product photography, hybrid of an angel and a full body invisible mannequin, bronze wings, lying, ornamentical patterned dress made from twisted braided straw, skin made up from black straw.

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Product photography, abstract straw embroidery coat, some bronze twist, (cybernetic:0.4), invisible mannequin.


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Leica, profile view, young gipsy man made from leafs, in zigzag traditional hungarian cybernetic jewelry, polka dot dress, sitting at the table of an old kitchen, ultra detailed and intricate, hyper-realistic, twisted straw hair, full body photo, straw shoulders, straw covers, boots, night, soft light.

enter image description here Straw shirt with straw embroidery, intricate, flower pattern, ornamental, light purple zigzag pants, shoe, hungarian traditional straw jewelry, male invisible mannequin, abstract geometric pattern.

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Straw shirt with straw embroidery, intricate, flower pattern, ornamental, apple green wavy pants, shoe, hungarian traditional straw jewelry, young man with brown curly hair, abstract geometric pattern.

A szalma kiválóan elegyíthető más anyagokkal, pl. műanyag, réz, bőr, farmer... Az első sorozatban ezüst- ill. alumíniumfóliát választottam, ami időseknek és fiataloknak egyaránt izgalmas lehet:

enter image description here Product photo of silver dress with straw embroidery, intricate, flower pattern, ornamental, straw lace shoulders, flowers.

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Old couple, jewelry made up from straw, long braided hair, braided straw dress, foil, wires on head, straw shoulders, bare foot, full body photo from distance, straw stockings.

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Jewelry made up from straw, long braided hair, braided straw dress, foil, wires on head, straw shoulders, bare foot, full body photo from distance, straw stockings.

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Woman in straw shirt with straw embroidery, intricate, flower pattern, ornamental, silver white colorful zigzag long skirt, light rosa tights, shoe, hungarian traditional straw jewelry, geometric pattern, (foil:1.3), surreal, industrial, freckes, glasses, industrial setting.
Negatív prompt: strawbale.

enter image description here Analogue photo, 1990, group of people, shirt with straw embroidery, intricate, small bird pattern, ornamental, jeans, bare foot.

Végül pedig két szalmacsipke- és -hímzésvariáció Faluság-stílusban:

enter image description here Black background, product photograpy, spiral twisted straw tights, bronze lace gloves, embroidery long skirt made from flowers, straw.

enter image description here Black background, product photograpy, spiral twisted straw tights, intricate straw ornamental patterns, bronze lace gloves, embroidery long skirt made from flowers, straw.

A képeket a segítségével készít(t)ettem.

Szerző: Kovács Balázs